
PAWS Lab, School of Information

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Ph.D. student in Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh, Fulbright-funded, working on Personalized Adaptive Web Systems advised by Peter Brusilovsky.

I have been a lecturer at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in Surabaya, and Master in Information Science and Engineering advised by Katsuhisa Maruyama from Software Science and Technology Laboratory, Ritsumeikan University, Japan.


My research interest lies within

Modeling complex systems and comprehending models, supporting decision-making and cognitive assistance in personalized/adaptive web systems.

I have developed various enterprise systems & e-commerce,

Recently using htmx, Typescript, Python, PHP, Neo4J, SQLite

Was using C#, C++, Go, Oracle, and several other things

Loved: Borland Delphi (Pascal)

Classes I teach

User Experience Design, Design Thinking, Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Databases


Feel free to contact me at

✉️ [email protected], [email protected] or ☎️ +14127268978

For students who want to work with me

